Our bodies are much more than a heart and a nice figure. What about all the other organs? How do we maintain wellness of the body? A quick trip to the gym on occasion will not achieve wellness of the body. Proper nutrition, hydration and regular physical exercise is necessary.
My Thoughts on Wellness & My Desire to Achieve IT.....
Wellness is defined as our overall good health, and the condition sustained by healthy eating and fitness habits. We have so many places to turn for wellness information, that it would be impossible for me to come to one conclusion or offer a thought of one particular place to find the magical answer of "how can I keep this weight off after facing a life long battle of obesity." Is this a possible dream or goal.....YES [sigh]. Yes you can and so can I. I think the questions is more of are you willing to put in the time and energy to organize yourself and make the commitment.
There are sources of information that explain the benefits of being well, the physical benefits, the mental benefits, the social benefits, and the self-esteem and emotional benefits, which is nothing more than wellness of body, mind and soul.
If you have ever been on a "DIET" then you have heard everything from calories - to exercise - to water intake - to get proper rest. For me it's about finding a balance between being a wife, mother and working. Planning meals and not being in that daily crunch of homework, housework and me time. I have found that I am more successful when I am able to plan ahead and not feel stressed or pushed for time needing to figure out what to cook. You may find it helpful as well if you stop and plan your meals out on a weekly bases. This will allow you the time to make sure you have what you need to cook a good well balanced meal for everyone while maintaining your own calorie intake without being deprived of the "good stuff".
All in all, I am continueing to face the challenges of staying organized and planning meals ahead. I am working on finding the time to exercise on a regular bases and consistently add this to my schedule. I feel good about taking the first step to wellness, now I just have to keep striving for the whole physical fitness portion.
It didn’t become UNHEALTHY overnight, and I won’t become an image of HEALTH at the blink of an eye. One step = One Goal at a Time ..... which translate into Success!